December 19, 2010

6 Ways to Market on Foursquare Without a Location

Scott Bishop is a director of social influence and author of How To Make Money Marketing Your Business With Foursquare (FT Press Delivers). You can read more of his insights on his social media marketing blog.

Savvy marketers and business owners have flocked to Foursquare to take advantage of their 4.5 million members for one simple reason: Foursquare requires action. Conversations on Twitter and fan engagement on a brand’s Facebook Page can be valuable pieces to a successful social media marketing campaign, but user activity at the point of sale is the ultimate objective for us marketers and business owners. We ultimately want action, and geolocation networks like Foursquare deliver the goods.

The marketing opportunities for retail stores on Foursquare are obvious. Users physically check in to a location and if you offer a special, they can redeem it. But even without a special, Foursquare leads to foot traffic, and foot traffic leads to revenue. Pretty straightforward.

But what if you’re aren’t a retail store? What if you don’t have a physical location at all? Can Foursquare still help you market your business? Absolutely. Foursquare has already partnered with several large brands without traditional locations such as Bravo and the History Channel. These partnerships were heavily publicized and came with specially customized badges, but they also cost big bucks.

In a world of limited budgets and low-traffic locations, businesses must creatively approach Foursquare’s already available options. Here are a few options your business should consider.

1. Acquire Friends, Not Checkins

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Being an active user is one way to build relationships and create awareness, but understand that Foursquare isn’t much for conversation. Don’t waste too much time running around town and randomly checking in to every location possible expecting your brand to get traction with Foursquare users. Being active can be important, but most of your Foursquare friends or others checking into the same location won’t pay much attention to a brand’s check in activity or shouts.

There’s more value for you to acquire friends, but like any social media network, your friends should be targeted and strategically selected. Bastard Jeans has done a great job acquiring more than 60,000 friends on its user profile. Now the company has an easy way to get its tips in front of more users.

2. Add Relevant Tips

Adding tips is the easiest and fastest way for a location-less brand to market using Foursquare. The tips you create will be available for any Foursquare user to see, but an additional benefit to adding “friends” is that friends of your account will have your tips pop up when they check in at or near one of the locations where you’ve left them. So the more targeted friends you acquire, the better chance they’ll see your tips.

Tips should be informational, create user value and align with your brand. Don’t just leave a spammy message, adding little value and no relevance. If your tips aren’t providing value, you create the opportunity for backlash.

3. Branded Pages

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Unlike a user profile, a brand with a page does not check in or acquire mayorships or badges, it only leaves tips on other locations. There is also a difference in how users connect with branded pages. Foursquare users “follow” a brand’s page, rather than becoming “friends” with them. Branded pages also have more customization options with their header images and description boxes. For larger brands, this is the preferred option. There are many brands with well done pages such as IFC Channel and Time Out Chicago.

4. Add Your Own Unique or Quirky Location

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Just because you don’t have a traditional location doesn’t mean that you can’t add something quirky or creative to market your business. Coke Australia began adding Coke Machine locations that users can check in to, and, in some cases, receive unique specials. Urban Ministries of Durham started adding locations like “tent under the overpass” and “abandoned warehouse” to help spread awareness about homelessness. As long as the locations you create align with your brand or campaign, this can be a successful strategy.

5. Mayor Takeovers

If you don’t have a location, take over somebody else’s by becoming mayor. Granted, you’re going to want to make sure the location of your mayorship is strategic and those checking in are relevant to your business. Take advantage of your title and challenge users with freebies and giveaways when a user unseats your branded account. Have some fun with it.

6. Badge Parties

Few brands have the marketing dollars of Starbucks to create their own personalized badge, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of pre-existing badges that Foursquare users want. Partner with a complementary business that has a location and select a badge that users want but may be difficult unlock. For example, the Swarm Badge (50 people), Super Swarm Badge (250 people), and the recently released Super Duper Swarm Badge (500) and the colossal Epic Swarm Badge (1,000) are unlocked based on a large number of people checking in at one place at the same time.

An event designed for participants to unlock sought-after badges makes Foursquare users happy, you create publicity by hosting the event, and the location you’re using will get an influx of foot traffic. Additional promotions and publicity can come from the hundreds and potentially thousands of extra people who see the checkins when users post to Facebook and Twitter.

While Foursquare and other geolocation networks may seem like a no-brainer for retail outlets and food venues, don’t discount your own opportunity to market your brand and products. Make sure you have a solid strategy in place that offers value to the Foursquare user community. The options are already available on Foursquare. Now it’s just up to your creativity to unlock them.

Online Leads: 7 more LinkedIn tips to help your biz!

December 08, 2010

Top 10 Tips to Enhance Social Media Engagement

10 Tips to enhance Your Social Business Circle
  1.   Always start with a new hub or profile. Social Media is all about to one-2-one communications. Better to use biz language while matter exchanging. Traditional way seems as the cheapest technique.
  2. Prior entering in to the world of Social Media, do refer some others blogs & works. Especially popular ones on Google scale.
  3. Create your own blog, as its easy & free. Blogger is simple than wordpress as compare to Indian users. Since, Blogger too offers domain transfer, as its Google trademark & registered in India.
  4. Choose a easy url, if possible use services of short url from & others. Don’t forget to add your brand’s name.
  5. Foremost thing, is to invite all customers & regular clients on your blog. Also link it with others who’re in the same industry.
  6.  While posting, use good & qualitative language. Make it calm, simple & ease.
  7.  As it is virtual world, but better to use common business language for any sort of transactions. Then they will probably listen you well.
  8.  Keep your blog lively & always updated. Use other social networking circles also Twitter, You tube, & Flickr along with your current social profile page.
  9. Try to gain mutual trust & understanding. If you don’t have answers, don’t pretend. Since, all informations will be shared & saved at networking site.
  10. Act worthy & deliver your best. Commitment is the most.     

Facebook Profiles Get A New Look

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the all new Facebook profile on his 60 Minutes interview with Lesley Stahl. Although the company blog had carried the announcement on Sunday afternoon, the profile redesign with profile pages as the primary focus was the topic of discussion on the show too. Users are sure to stop and take notice of these changes as they will find a strip of photos and an overview of their basic information right on top of their profile page. All your interests and experiences will now be represented with the help of images, so it makes your profile more visually appealing.

Facebook users were prompted to switch to the new layout if they want with a prominent button which was found on top of the profile page and details of friends who had made the switch were available on the news feed too. The Facebook blog states that “now it’s even easier for you to tell your story and learn about your friends”. Apart from the great features it has to offer, you cannot help but notice the increased space for advertising on the right side of the page.

What The Revamped Profile Pages Offers

From highlighting friends or creating new groups for your friends and family, the revamped profile page allows you to share your interests and activities using newer ways. You can choose to list all your projects, favorite musicians and likes and find it represented with images so your profile page looks more compelling.

The infinite scroll feature is a great way to browse through photos. Your friends can view the collection of recently tagged photos easily to find out what you have been upto lately. And you will find the “friends” page much better to find your people by name, location or school.

Wondering if you can go back to the older version of your profile after you have tried the new version? You can’t. But then, why would you want to?

Turn WordPress Blog into Minimalistic Business Card – Tips in Self-Branding

Shortly after starting my SEO career and creating my online moniker, I have registered domain name. I have never been able to find a good use of the site though – speaking about myself has never been something I’ve been good at. So I just kept it to occasionally share some professional news about myself and linking to friends.

Then, last week, I decided to turn it into an online business card. There seemed to be many themes that could help – but (as it always happens) when you actually start trying, it turns out most of them are broken, no longer supported or ugly.

Yet, I was able to find 2 nice-looking ones, and I am sharing them here – maybe that will inspire you to create your own online business card (share it in the comments if you do set up one!)

1. The Digital Business Card WordPress Theme

The Digital Business Card WordPress Theme – this theme is perfect for those that need a good online business card (with full control over it) or those (like myself) who have secured their (brand) name domain name and don’t know what to do with it.

The theme creates a two-page profile with your photo and social media profiles.

It has a very easy-to-customize options page that lets you set up your photo, links and professional info:

The Digital Business Card WordPress Theme

The result is simple and clean:

Wordpress business card

2. MiniCard

MiniCard is another minimalist and free option to consider (actually that’s the one I kept). It offers an array of fun features and ways to customize it:

  • Choose the theme color and pattern;

  • Generate a vCard/hCard to allow visitors to download your contact information;

  • Display your social media profiles.

  • Note: The great thing about this theme that you have full control over the anchor text for your social media profiles and can display many of them.


    minicard options



    So do you have an online self-hosted business card?

    December 06, 2010

    10 Important Ideas for Engaging in Social Media
    Are You A Social Media Snob Or A Non-Believer?
    12 Ways to Become an Internet Brand(Social Media)
    The Revolutionary aspect of Social Media Networking!
    Small Biz Inbound Marketing - 5 Critical issues to know!
    Socialnomics: what you need to know about Social Media.
    4 Important Areas of Social Media Analytics in PR
    Need more customers? Try Small Business Inbound Marketing!
    What good is Social Media Optimization for You?
    What good is Social Media Optimization for You?
    Why a small business marketing consultant is better...

    December 04, 2010

    How to Add Email Lists in Facebook for Page Promotion

    If your business is using Facebook as a part of its inbound marketing strategy, then it is likely that a goal of your marketing team is to expand your reach by attracting more people to like your Facebook page. For a long time marketers have faced a challenge in inviting new users through Facebook. While they have been encouraging people to visit their Facebook Fan Pages, it hasn't been easy to do the reverse--get email addresses into Facebook and send invitations through Facebook's messaging system.

    This process has now changed. This week, Facebook has enabled business page administrators to import email addresses into Facebook to invite people to like their page. Check out the rest of this post for a walkthrough of these process!

    Step 1: Go to your Facebook Business Page and click 'Edit Page'

    Facebook HubSpot 1 1 resized 600

    Step 2: Click on 'Marketing' and then select 'Tell your Fans.'

    Facebook HubSpot 2 1 resized 600

    Step 3: Upload your email list and invite fans.

    Facebook HubSpot 3 resized 600

    Have you used this feature to tell more people about your Facebook page?

    Free Download: 2010 Facebook Marketing Guide

    Free Download: 2010 Facebook Marketing Guide

    How should businesses create, manage, and grow their Facebook pages? Find out from industry experts and marketers!

    Download the free 30-page complimentary Facebook Marketing Guide.

    December 03, 2010

    7 Things Blogging Does [Plus a Free EBook]

    According to HubSpot research companies that have a business blog attract 55% more website visitors than non-blogging companies.

    HubSpot has partnered with Jeff Ente of Who’s Blogging What to create a a new 24 page ebook that provides business blogging expertise from some of the best bloggers on the web. The ebook includes advice and commentary from blogging experts including Tamar Weinberg, Mitch Joel, Joe Pulizzi as well as others. As we prepare for 2011, it is important that business that are actively blogging or are planning to start a blog understand best practices as well as tips and tricks to save time and boost productivity.

    Download the the free ebook: Better Business Blogging in 2011

    Check out a sample section of the ebook contributed by Mitch Joel:
    1. Blogging = Critical Thinking
    If everything else went away (the readers, the comments, the community, the feedback), Blogging was (and still is) an amazing place to think about an issue or news item and work through it. I liken myself as a Media Hacker. A Blog is a great place for anyone to be a Hacker of whatever it is that they love. If you don't believe me, then just watch Seth Godin and Tom Peters in this video: Blogging Still Matters... Now More Than Ever.
    2. Blogging = Ideation
    In using your Blog as a platform for your critical thinking, you will quickly start uncovering new and interesting business models and ideas for how you can push your industry forward or how it can/should be thinking differently. Writing a Blog, reading the comments and feedbacking into them is the ultimate Petri dish for ideation and innovation.
    3. Blogging = Tinkering
    The ideas and critical thinking are not always one hundred percent final. Blogging allows you to tinker with ideas. To work at them (like a complex mathematical formula). Slowly, over time, you start realizing how wrong you were, how visionary you were and how much further you still have to go.
    4. Blogging = Relationships
    It's not about sitting in the dark recesses of your basement as you tinker away with words and thoughts. It's about using this platform to connect. It's about real interactions with real human beings. Some of my best friends are people that I would not have otherwise met were it not for Six Pixels of Separation (the Blog, not the concept). If you Blog, step out into the physical world. Meet other Bloggers. Share, learn and collaborate with them.
    5. Blogging = Business
    Make no mistake about it. My business blog started out as a means for my agency to tell the world how we think differently about Media, Marketing, Advertising and Communications. Over the years, this has attracted many world-class clients, speaking engagements, a book offer and many other amazing and interesting business opportunities. So, while it is not a place where we shills our wares, it is a place that is directly tied to our overall business objectives/strategy. It consistently delivers a very solid ROI to our bottom line (take that, you Social Media measurement naysayers!).
    6. Blogging = Sharing
    As each day passes, I like Charlene Li's latest book, Open Leadership, more and more (her first book, Groundswell rocks as well). Many people think that Social Media is all about the conversation and engaging in the conversation. I believe what makes any media 'social' is the ability to share it. To help you to open up. Not only can you share the concepts by telling your peers and friend about a Blog, but everybody shares in the insights as well. It has changed/evolved our corporate culture. A Blog makes you think more about how you can share your content, your thoughts and why others may want to work/connect to you.
    7. Blogging = Exhaust Valve
    A great Blog is great because the Blogger actually cares and loves to create content. If it's forced, if it's your 'job,' then the passion rarely comes through. The biggest lesson I have learned in my seven years of Blogging is that my blog is my exhaust valve. After working a full day with clients and their many challenges, my Blog is my playground. It's the place where I can let off some textual steam. Make your Blog your exhaust valve. Caution: be careful that you're not Blogging simply to blow off angry steam. The steam and exhaust I am talking about is the pent up energy of passion that I have from doing what I love to do.
    Free Download: Better Business Blogging in 2011

    Free Download: Better Business Blogging in 2011

    This 24-page ebook features tips and ticks from some of the world's best bloggers

    Download this free business blogging ebook today!

    Want to make money through Blogging? Here is what you need to know

    A blog is a website where items, thoughts, discussions are posted on a regular basis Blogging can fetch money. There are several distinct ways through which one can make money by Blogging. All these different ways have got advantages and disadvantages. It is little difficult to start a new blog as after starting people often get discouraged due to less number of visits and comments. If you want your blog to be noticed there are certain ways by which you can be a master of blogging within a short period.

    The very first thing that a blogger must keep in mind is that he must make his/her writing attractive, interesting and catchy.

    There should be regular postings. Stick to one specific topic. It is good to avoid ‘subscribe’ or ‘vote me’. Clean theme is the essence of effective blogging.

    Usually people are into blogging to share their feelings and thoughts. But when one is set to make money by blogging, then the ways of putting forth the ideas and products need to be very informative at the same time appealing.

    The made for Adsense is one of the most common and effective way for money making through blogs. One needs to set up a blog that concentrates on a specific topic with high priced or very commonly used keywords. These keywords should be present in the articles at least 25 times. Then optimize it for search, set up Adsense or affiliate programs. The main motto is to link the blog with specific web pages so that the search engine visitors will either click on the ads or convert on a product.

    Selling advertisement is another way of leveraging a blog to generate income. If your blog is pretty well known and is visited by many people you can sell ad space.

    There is another click through opportunity. Affiliated programs enable your blog to channel between readers and services. is one of the most common website that is present in most of the blogs and helps to redirect the readers to visit their website in one click through ther blog.

    Contributions from small businesses or cause for an issue are also a way of making money through blogging. For example, some people are health conscious. So if your blog is having discussions related to health improvements etc, the owner of the blog can always ask for reader’s support. Payment can be done through Paypal.

    Social networking websites are another way to advertise your blog through which you can get maximum readers. There are a number of social news sites like Digg, Propeller, fark etc. which can also be used to post your article or blog that will fetch money.

    There are several ways from which one can chose from. Experimenting and continuous practise makes a man perfect. You can experiment with various ways in order master how the blogs work. If you devote time and effort success will follow your way, however it is not an over night’s story to make money through blogging. Constant learning and continued efforts will make your blog a successful method of earning extra cash.

    December 02, 2010

    5 Stylish Computer Mice for the Design Aficionado

    5 Stylish Computer Mice for the Design Aficionado: "

    As a companion to the list of stylish keyboards we recently brought you, we’ve turned our attention to another vital PC peripheral: the humble computer mouse.

    Whether you’re a Mac or a PC, you don’t have to put up with a boring, bland input device. A stylish mouse can easily add a touch of design chic to your computing setup, and in some cases even offer improved ergonomics.

    So take a look at the five seriously stylish options we’ve highlighted and let us know in the comments below just what it is that pushes your buttons as far as mouse design goes.

    1. Microsoft Arc Mouse

    The wireless Arc mouse is designed for portability — it folds down to 60% of its full size — without losing any functionality of a desktop mouse. Aesthetically, it’s gorgeously sleek and curvy and there are some decent features too. The ambidextrous Arc boasts six month’s battery life, four programmable buttons and a tidy snap-in transceiver.

    Cost: $49.95

    2. Hippus Handshoe Mouse

    The Handshoe mouse is said to fit your hand “like a glove,” with ergonomics the reason behind that curvaceous design. Available in small, medium and large, wireless and wired, and in different colors, the mouse’s hand-friendliness is the cherry on top, as far as desirability goes.

    Cost: From $99

    3. Apple Magic Mouse

    Apple’s Magic Mouse brings multi-touch goodness in a seamless, low-profile shell. The input device’s touch controls include the ability to move in any direction with the swipe of a finger and to scroll with two, while the entire mouse is one clickable button. It’s said to be much more intuitive (once you get the hang of it!) than being restricted to buttons and a scroll wheel.

    Cost: $69

    4. Intelligent Design Titanium Mouse

    This is about as high-end as computer peripherals come. With a price tag that could cover the cost of a computer itself, you’ve got to really value design to shell out out on this pricey peripheral. If you do, you’ll be getting a mouse made of grade one titanium with a neodymium scroll wheel. It is a thing of beauty — if you can stand to look at it after forking over that much cash.

    Cost: 399 Euros (approx $527)

    5. Eclipse Touchmouse

    With a brushed aluminum finish, the industrial looking Eclipse Touchmouse adds an element of touch with a rectangular module on top that boasts four-way on-screen scrolling. In addition, the “quicktouch” tech lets you use shortcut commands (a combination of mouse button and movements) to carry out certain actions.

    Cost: $47.99

    BONUS: Logitech MX Air Mouse

    This mouse offers 3D features in its operation with its dual purpose functionality as a remote control, or as Logitech phrases it, “in-air cursor control.” In addition to laser tracking for ordinary mouse movement, the MX Air Mouse offers motion control of your media and scroll touch functionality that is said to be “hyper-fast.”

    Cost: $149.99

    More Tech Resources from Mashable:

    - 10 Comfortable Lap Desks for Cozy Computing
    - 10 Cool and Unusual Laptop Sleeves [PICS]
    - 5 Beautiful Keyboards to Spice Up Your Boring Desk
    - 10 Cool Cable Management Solutions [PICS]
    - Top 10 Geekiest Decorations for Your Home or Office [PICS]

    More About: accessories, apple, computer mouse, gadgets, input devices, List, Lists, mice, microsoft, mouse, peripherals

    For more Tech coverage:


    How to Attract Employers’ Attention on LinkedIn

    I recently learned that a whopping 60 percent of the Fortune 100 use LinkedIn to save time and hire the best candidates. This means that recruiters from these organizations — some of the largest and most respected companies in the world — are engaging with LinkedIn every day to find and vet job candidates.

    If you’re looking for a job right now, then you’re probably wondering, “How do I get these top corporate recruiters (and others) to find me while they’re searching on LinkedIn?”

    Here are some tips that will help you reach recruiters and stand out from the crowd:

    • Include relevant keywords in your LinkedIn profile. One of the most common ways that recruiters and hiring managers search for job candidates is by entering relevant keywords into LinkedIn’s search engine. In order to show up in these searches, your profile has to contain the right keywords for the position you want.

    To find these magic words, research the profiles of people who have the job you want as well as the job listings for the positions you desire. What words show up the most frequently in both places? These are probably some of the keywords recruiters are using.

    For example, if you are interested in a job selling advertising for websites, look at the LinkedIn profiles of people who have job titles such as “online advertising manager” or “director of interactive sales.” Then, find the words that appear commonly in these profiles, such as “digital ad sales,” “online advertising,” “new media” or “web sales.”

    Smart job seekers then sprinkle these words throughout their own profiles (assuming they accurately reflect your skills and experience, of course). Good places to include keywords in your LinkedIn profile are in your profile title, the Summary section, the Specialties area and throughout the descriptions beneath each position you list in your Experience section.

    • Join and engage in industry groups. In addition to performing keyword searches, many recruiters tell me that they spend a lot of time lurking in group discussions on LinkedIn. They join the most active and influential groups in their industry and look for people who stand out in these groups as knowledgeable leaders and contributors.

    To find out which groups would be best for you to join and engage in, again check out the profiles of people you admire in your industry and see what groups those people belong to. And, of course, look at the profiles of recruiters at the companies where you’d like to work and see what groups they belong to. Then apply to join these groups and, if you are accepted (some groups require particular credentials but many are open), jump in and post discussion topics, share and comment on relevant industry articles and provide advice or guidance to people who post questions. Don’t go overboard here — no need to comment on every single discussion in every group you belong to — but focus your efforts by writing perhaps one or two well-thought-out posts a week responding to group discussions that relate to your area of expertise.

    And, of course, keep a special eye out for any employees of the companies you want to work for and try to engage in discussions in which they are participating. You never know when someone might take notice of your brilliance!

    • Connect with employees (past or present) of your dream employer. A recruiter I know once told me that he always has two stacks of resumes on his desk: one really tall stack of resumes he receives from job listing websites, job fairs and cold emails, and one short little stack of resumes he receives from people he knows and trusts — his company’s employees, his own personal and professional network, his fellow college alumni and members of the professional associations he belongs to. Of course you want to be in that smaller, more exclusive stack.

    This means that one of the best thing you can do as a job seeker is to find personal connections to a company, and LinkedIn is the perfect place to do this. Go to the LinkedIn Company page of any organization you want to work for and see if you’re connected to anyone who currently works there or has worked there in the past. You may not even realize that you have a direct connection to your dream employer.

    If you discover this is the case, reach out to your connection, as long as it’s someone you are truly acquainted with — ideally a first degree connection or a second connection with whom you share a close contact, and write a polite and concise LinkedIn message asking that person if he or she would be willing to share some advice on landing a job at that organization.

    Once you’ve taken this advice, you might also go back and ask that helpful contact to personally pass along your resume or application to the right person in HR. There are no guarantees when it comes to asking people for help on LinkedIn, but I’ve found that people will generally respond well to a request that is gracious and comes from a friend or a friend-of-a-trusted-friend. Some companies even compensate their employees for bringing in new hires, so you might be helping yourself and your contact.

    Have you found other ways to attract the attention of recruiters on LinkedIn? If so, please share in the Comments!

    Interview with Kenny Rosenblatt of Arkadium

    During the Internet Summit in Raleigh, I interviewed CEO and Co-Founder of Arkadium, Kenny Rosenblatt, about social gaming. I asked him about the rise in popularity of social games, the potential existing gaming companies have in this emerging market, and how Facebook affects their development. You can view the entire interview below.

    How Much Time Does Social Media Marketing Take?

    In 2008, consultant and author Beth Kanter blogged about how much time it should take to implement social media. She created a diagram to illustrate the main social media activities and the hours per week it takes to implement them, and I’ve used it ever since as a reference point in slide presentations for folks who have yet to embrace social media.

    The diagram put the big unknown of one’s social media marketing time commitment into perspective. Kanter’s diagram was by no means discouraging, but led people to say “OK, I will start with listening — that seems manageable.” And that was just what many of us advise people to do when just starting out with social media marketing: Listen.

    Two years later, and things have evolved in several ways:

    1. There are more tools available to help us take part in social media activities.
    2. There are more best practices for newbies to find and follow.
    3. There are many tips published online on how to be more efficient in one’s efforts.

    I have a new presentation coming up this week to an audience at varying stages of social media adoption, but mostly on the early end of the spectrum. I’m sure I’ll once again get the question “But how long does it take?” So I played around with Kanter’s original diagram to create my own. I wanted to illustrate not only how long each activity should take, but also to identify additional tools that can be useful in each area:

    This diagram is by no means perfect, but I’m striving to keep it easy to understand for the layperson. I also wanted to address some of the efficiencies we’ve worked out the more we’ve used these tools. For example, I blogged about how to mine Twitter’s wealth in 15 minutes a day. I wanted to show that you don’t need to spend hours a day on Twitter or Facebook or the like to be effective in your efforts.

    I reordered “Participate” and “Generate Buzz” activities from Kanter’s original diagram, and renamed the latter “Promote.” I reordered them because we now have tools that make promoting something (generating buzz) so much speedier. Participating — even at a cursory level of engagement — really takes more time and consideration even though useful tools are also there. The tools may make it easier for us to monitor and participate in our social media channels, but we are now monitoring and participating in many more channels than before.

    What I tried to avoid was listing all of the hundreds of apps that could fit in under each category; instead I referenced the more popular and effective tools to give a sense of what one can use. The main goal of this is to show the person new to all things social media that it doesn’t have to take an unmanageable amount of time to handle your social media activities but as you want to connect more deeply and leverage your social channels more strongly, you will cumulatively rack up the need for a greater time commitment.

    I hope this diagram — or a future iteration of it — becomes a useful slide in any Social Media 101 presentation. Eventually, this, too, will become obsolete or irrelevant, but until then, how can it be improved?

    What is my diagram missing? Where is it off base? Where is it right on the money?

    December 01, 2010

    Surprise! Central Park Wedding Proposal Viral Video Was a Hoax

    Were you one of the many swooning over Frank’s iPhone app-assisted, Central Park proposal to girlfriend Kasey the other month? Well, sorry to tell you, folks, Frank’s undying love was a lie! That is to say, it was a hoax.

    Frank’s Marriage Proposal in Central Park hit YouTube at the end of October to the delight of many an Internet denizen and news outlet — so popular that we’re still receiving tips about it over here at Mashable.

    According to the YouTube description, the elaborate proposal was orchestrated by a team enlisted by Frank (whose real name is Doug Darwin — Kasey’s real name is, in fact, Kasey). The whole thing — which included a live band and a row boat — was said to be filmed using a bunch of hidden cameras, which were “streamed live into the team’s iPhones so they could watch the whole thing from a safe distance. A behind-the-scenes camera guy videotaped the team in action,” according to the YouTube description.

    Whatever app the description is referring to, it doesn’t exist, but it did prompt some commenters to speculate that the whole thing was an elaborate Apple commercial.

    It turns out the commenters were wrong — the video was not a shill for Apple. It was made to promote Michael Krivicka’s and business partner, former Saturday Night Live producer James Percelay’s, newest venture, Thinkmodo. Thinkmodo, which will launch on January 3, 2011, focuses on mining the marketing potential of viral videos.

    If Krivicka’s name sounds familiar, you may be familiar with his other moniker, The Bald Guy, under which he has come out with such stunts as parody AR iPhone app NUDE IT, as well as a campaign to get Jimmy Fallon to follow him on Twitter.

    “Since viral videos are both art and science, we wanted to merge both elements to introduce predictability to the videos’ success,” Krivicka tells us. “As part of our ’study’ we staged an elaborate marriage proposal in Central Park and fused tech and romance to see how well each would be received if merged.”

    “Would men be drawn by the awesome iPhone app (which unfortunately doesn’t exist) or would women cry and wonder why Frank threw the ring (which was never in the box)? Since our video was covered by outlets like Glamour as well as CNET, we learned that, contrary to conventional wisdom, content can be made to appeal to both sexes without lessening the appeal to each.” (Note: It seems CNET was suspicious from the start.)

    As for what Krivicka plans to do with these findings: “The field of viral videos is constantly changing and new trends are born every day,” he says. “With these particular findings we want to show advertisers that one video can target men and women. Separate campaigns are not needed.”

    Krivicka certainly picked an effective theme for his video; tech-related wedding proposals are always a crowd-pleaser — see The Old Spice Guy delivering a proposal during his viral campaign, a proposal packed with Twitter, Foursquare and Qik, and even an Apple Store wedding.

    What do you think of Krivicka’s highly effective, yet false, viral video? What function do you think videos like this could serve in a marketing arena? Have you lost your faith in true love? Let us know in the comments.

    Social Media Will Tear Your Family Apart [Parody]

    Facebook and social media have been blamed for a lot of ills of late — divorce, teens run wild and even asthma attacks. Good thing YourTango is out with a PSA warning us all about the hazards of social media addiction.

    In case the campy outfits didn’t tip you off, this PSA is a parody of the anti-drug films we were all forced to watch back in the ’80s and early ’90s. YourTango — a lifestyle brand focused on love & relationships — put out a similar video in 2009, “Facebook Manners And You,” which was a Webby Honoree for best comedy short and best writing.

    “Given how ubiquitous the social media frenzy has become, we were eager to address its impact on users’ relationships – YourTango’s raison d’ĂȘtre is to filter life through the prism of love and relationships, after all,” says YourTango CEO and Founder Andrea Miller. “We couldn’t resist the opportunity to have fun and go a little over the top by parodying the phenomenon.”

    Despite the potentially over-the-top format, this vid is rather entertaining — watch as @CoolMomKaren gets hooked on Twitter, FarmVille, and the like and alienates her husband, @MustacheDanny, and son @DarrenSpaceCamp. Something to think about when you pull out your Android to play Angry Birds at the table this holiday season.

    More About: humor, pop culture, social media, viral video, yourtango

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